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Pressure Equipment Expert Forum

Pressure Equipment Expert Forum

On September 20-21 we invite you to professional forum TLAK about pressure equipment in industry organized by our partner technicka-zarizeni.cz in PRŮHONICE near Prague.

The industry will be significantly affected by CHANGE OF LEGISLATION for the safety of operation of dedicated technical equipment. The programme therefore included, among other things, lectures by representatives of the state professional supervision and a space was reserved for questions.

The forum will also feature a lecture by the technical director of our company on the topic of CRITICAL JOINERS case studies.

For more information and the full forum agenda, please visit https://www.technicka-zarizeni.cz/tlak-2022/

Competition for valuable prizes

The expert forum includes our competition for valuable prizes. Answer the questions from our expert articles correctly and you could win. The contest announcement and prize presentation will take place during the SOCULAR EVENING of the forum on 20 September.

For more information about the competition, please visit https://webinar.tesneni.cz/soutez

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