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Support & Tools

Chemical resistance

Chemical resistance

Easily and quickly find out the resistance of our sealants to various chemicals. We offer a range of materials that are specifically designed to withstand harsh chemicals.

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Calculation of the tightening torque

Calculation of the tightening torque

Tool for designing the optimum tightening torque in a bolted joint with PowerTorque LF KOTE 450, LF 450 R or LF Booster.

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You will learn why it is important to see the flange joint as a whole and to know how its individual components interact.

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You can currently win this prize 2x voucher worth 5 000 CZK at alza.cz

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We greatly appreciate your cooperation with us and we would like to provide you with the best service at all times. That is why we ask you to fill in a short satisfaction questionnaire. Your feedback is important to us.

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and get valuable advice and information on industrial seals

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