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Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your device when you visit a website. We use cookies for various purposes and to improve your online experience on the website (for example, to remember your account login details).

You can change your preferences and refuse certain types of cookies to be stored on your computer as you browse our website. You can also delete any cookies that are already stored on your computer, but keep in mind that removing cookies may prevent you from using parts of our website.

You can modify your consent to cookies on our website at any time by using the Edit Cookie Preferences button in the footer of the page.

Strictly necessary cookies - for our website to work properly

Technical cookies are essential for the correct functionality of the website. They ensure security, ensure proper display on your computer or mobile phone, enable the correct submission of forms, etc. It is not possible to disable technical cookies, without them our website would not function properly.

PHPSESSIDThis cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie is used to store and identify a unique user session ID in order to manage the user's session on the site. The file is deleted when all browser windows are closed.

Cookies for functionalities

Functionality cookies ensure better functionality of the website. These cookies enable us to display recommended content, such as a menu of previously viewed products, articles or categories from our website.

We do not currently use these cookies.

Tracking and performance cookies - so we know what to improve

We use tracking (analytics) cookies to improve our website. For example, we can find out which pages are important to our users and offer to display them immediately on the homepage of the website. This saves other website visitors time.

_gaGoogle Inc.Google AdsenseWe use this analytics tool to collect anonymous data about how our site is being used and how well each element of the site is performing.
_gidGoogle Inc.Google AdsenseWe use this analytics tool to collect anonymous data about which of our sites are most used and how well each element of our site is performing.
_gatGoogle Inc.Google AdsenseWe use this analytics tool to collect anonymous data about which of our sites are most used and how well each element of our site works.

Cookies for targeting and advertising - to show you interesting ads

Marketing cookies allow us to better target advertising on other websites. These cookies enable us to show more relevant advertising.

_gcl_auGoogle Inc.Google AdsenseUsed to evaluate the effectiveness of ads.

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